Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yeasted Dough - Monthly Mingle August

I'm so happy to announce that I will be hosting this month's Monthly mingle, brainchild event of talented  Meeta from What's For Lunch Honey. The exciting new theme is Yeasted dough. Whether its sweet or savory, its time to give life to some yeast in your kitchen!

Here is how you mingle:
  1. Create a dish that fits the above criteria
  2. The post should be on your blog anytime during this month to the 31st August 2011 (entries must be in English, please).
  3. Your creation must exclusively be prepared for the current Monthly Mingle theme and cannot be submitted to any other blog event.
  4. You must provide a link to this post and the Monthly Mingle page.

Once you have posted your dish/recipe, please email me at with Monthly Mingle in the subject line. Your email must have the following information:

Your name
Your blog name
A link to the post where the dish appears
The name of your dish
A picture no wider than 300 pixels

I hope you shall grab some yeast and mingle with us! Looking forward to your entries.


  1. I literally fear this is not something I can participate in. But I am excited to see what everyone else comes up with!

  2. This is a great theme.

    @Ameena: no need to fear yeast it's easier than you think. Besides this event should help you get out of your comfort zone and try something new! Hope you will join us!

  3. This is awesome! I'm totally down and already have a recipe in mind I've been meaning to try :)

  4. Oh I can't wait! I love working with yeast but that has only occurred in the last few years. I used to be scared of it!

  5. Wonderful....must send you an entry. I haven't baked sweet yeasted stuff in ages!

  6. Just so happened that I baked some nice savoury brioche the other day, and saw this event, I have linked my blog post now to this event. I'll email you the details as well, Kulsum.

  7. I can't wait to see what everyone's bringing to the table!

  8. Great theme! Its high time I get my hands dirty and knead some dough :-)

  9. ill be making a chicken pull apart bread hopefully.....if i manage to take pictures, ill def send it in!

  10. Awesome theme. Loved it. Looking forward to be a part of this!

  11. No baking ingredients nor tins at my mom's house in NYC so will be working on my recipe in 2 weeks time when I'm at the in-laws in Scotland - can't wait!

  12. Sukaina, MD , Ginger and Scotch - Can't wait to see what you guys will be making!

  13. Oh boy, I was just wondering who was hosting this month! You! And oh how I LOVE yeasty anything! Okay, I am in! I hope to get this done before I head to the US!

  14. Sounds really interesting! I have never participated in any blog event. I really want to take part in this! Hope I can think of something interesting by month end :)

  15. Oooooo, I love this idea of monthly mingle. I think I should join in....

  16. Marla - Would love to see your entry. I know it would be fabulous!

  17. I love breads! so i will definitely be there! Thanks for hosting the Monthly Mingle!

  18. Oh, that's a great challenge! I have only recently learned how to work with yeast. It took some trial and error but I think I've got it now. I'm drawing a blank on what I can make so this will help me come up with some new recipes!

  19. What a fun event! I always admire bloggers who take initiative and make such a good food blogging community. Well I haven't put myself into baking with dough yet...but I hope to join making delicious bakery stuff with everyone soon. :-) Have fun hosting Kulsum!

  20. I will just have to participate!!

  21. I grabbed some yeast to mingle with you dear girl! Will mail you the important stuff in a bit. For now, here's the link to my post -
    Thank you for this fab theme!!

  22. just mailed ya.. glad I could join in by the due date :)

  23. Just saw this event!! I hope I can make it :)


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